
“Really easy to create a great looking proposal”


“Much faster than we were expecting“


“Helped us to provide a professional service, thankyou“

Quotes & Proposals

Looking to produce professional proposals immediately from your estimates?

CountBricks construction estimating apps for web and mobile make it easy to save time spent in the office. Our AI estimating software generates quotes 50x faster than manual methods, giving you more time on-site. Get started quickly with included training and support, so you can start creating more accurate estimates in hours, not days. For the best mobile estimating and AI estimating software, CountBricks is the answer.

Quote Design

Design quotes to fit your brand

Super easy to use quote designer. Enabling you to create tailored quotes.

Screen showing quote design

Quotes & Proposals

Efficient Quoting Process

Easily produce precise construction estimates using CountBricks's mobile and web apps with AI estimating technology. Send professional quote invitations to customers with detailed specifications and images and presentation that stands out from the competition.

Make your quote process a reliable tool for gaining new customers and increase your business efficiency with CountBricks software to share project documents and your business details.

Screen showing proposal design


Powerful quote designer

CountBricks offers construction estimating and mobile estimating to help construction professionals and general contractors with accurate quotes. Manage material pricing with real-time updates, delivered directly to desktop or mobile.

Get the highest quality materials from your suppliers and have them delivered to your job site hassle-free. With CountBricks, your suppliers can review your order and suggest the best materials for the job.

Screen showing proposal design


Powerful proposal designer

CountBricks offers construction estimating, mobile estimating, and AI estimating apps for web and mobile, helping businesses efficiently create professional proposals for sign off and provide quality customer documents.

Screen showing proposal design


Share proposals and quotes

Get signed proposals and quotes directly from clients.

Signed quote